Contact Cooperativa iniziative e studi UPIAR s.c

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PRIVACY STAMENT - In accordance with the Italian law D.lgs. 196/2003, about the protection of personal data, Cooperativa iniziative e studi UPIAR s.c guarantees that the management of your personal data and/or your company's data will be ruled by principles fully inspired by correctness and clearness, as well as by the protection of your personal data and your rights.
Providing your data, you agree they could be used by Cooperativa iniziative e studi UPIAR s.c for the delivery of an occasional Newsletter or other communications sent by E-Mail, as well as by other means.
On the ground of Article 7 of the above law you can change your data o ask for their deletion (sending an E-Mail message to at any time.
  Cooperativa iniziative e studi UPIAR s.c
VAT Number 04146110012

Corso Vittorio Emanuele 108
10121 - Torino

Phone 011.538125
Fax 011.545033

Codice Fiscale e Reg. Imprese 04146110012